Program committee
Program Committee
The Program Committee (OC) for the Bachelor in Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences and the Master in Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences consists of six students (from all years), including the assessor II of L.P.S.V. "Aesculapius," and five lecturers from the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR). The OC meets monthly to discuss various issues related to the quality of the program. This includes evaluating courses, addressing incoming complaints, and ensuring compliance with the Teaching and Examination Regulations (OER).
More information about the OC can be found on Brightspace under the 'Contact Information' section. Here, you can also read the outcomes of course evaluations and other matters that the OC is involved in.
The student members of the Program Committee 2024 – 2025 are:
Frederik Baldal (BFW-1)
Julian Reijm (BFW-2)
Anna Tuijl (BFW-3)
Jurian Calis (BPS)
Esmée Mink (BFW-3, acting assessor II of L.P.S.V. „Aesculapius")
The staff members of the Program Committee 2024-2025 are:
Dr. Linda Holtman
Dr. Ali Ahmed
Prof. Dr. Jeroen Bussman
Faisal Aiobi
Dr. Elsa Neubert
BFW/BPS Program, Chair
Metabolomics and Analytics Centre Division
BioTherapeutics Division, Vice-Chair
'BFW and Pharmacy' Specialization, Systems Biomedicine and Pharmacology Division