The Leidsche Pharmaceutical Student Association ‘Aesculapius’ was founded in 1885 and has a new board every year. The board change takes place in June. The board has the important task of keeping the association running, supporting committees where necessary and, of course, looking after the members' interests.
The 138th board of the L.P.S.V. ‘Aesculapius’ ‘Emazing’ for the year 2024-2025 consists of:
Emma Soffner - praeses
Luna Sannen - ab-actis
Damian Senz Suazabal - quaestor
Ryan Floor - assessor I
Esmée Mink - assessor II
The board presents the progress it has made during the Annual General Meetings (AGMs). This is the time for members to see what is going on behind the scenes, but also to give an opinion and input!
The praeses (president) is the official spokesperson of the association. She is the liaison to other parties and leads all meetings. In addition, the praeses organises the Afternoon Symposium and organises a session during the FIGON Dutch Medicine Days. In addition, the praeses is responsible for maintaining the alumni network and is the contact person for the confidants. Contact:
The ab-actis (secretary) keeps track of all incoming and outgoing mail. The ab-actis also keeps in touch with the honorary members, various professors and, of course, the members. Moreover, she is responsible for the annual planning, membership records and archives, and organises the Parents‘ Day, the Professors’ Dinner and the Old Board Dinner. Contact:
The quaestor (treasurer) is responsible for all money matters of the association. The quaestor maintains the annual contracts, is involved in acquisitions and supports the committee quaestors. Contact:
The assessor I (commissioner I) is responsible for organising the Abroad Excursion. Furthermore, the assessor I takes minutes and checks motions at ALVs and deals with the website. He is also responsible for contact with all committees and supervises the first-year committee ‘Panacea’. Contact:
The assessor II (commissioner II) deals with all education-related matters (such as exam training and book sales) and sits on the Education Committee. In addition, the assessor II organises the First-year excursion and the monthly Third Tuesday Drinks. She also deals with the promotion of activities. Contact:
For questions, the board can be reached at 071-5274601 or email