L.P.D. 'Papilarius'

L.P.D. 'Papilarius'

Dear members of L.P.S.V.,

It is my honor and a great pleasure to introduce to you the only true mixed dispute within the association: the Leydsch Pharmaceutical Dispute 'Papilarius'. We were founded on the 14th of March, 2022, making us the youngest dispute within the association. The name consists of two words: Podalirius and papillon. Podalirius is the son of the God Asklepios, who was involved in the famous Trojan Horse and is a legendary healer. Papillon means butterfly in French: with us, you have the chance to transform into a social butterfly, so don’t miss that opportunity.

Our dispute is made up of a variety of friendly members from all year groups within the association, and we share a strong bond with each other. Every two weeks, we gather to have a drink at someone’s house or in a pub. Additionally, we occasionally organize fun activities together, such as flunkyball, pool, and at the end of the year, a wonderful date dinner!

Since our dispute consists of members from various year groups and we are always keen to welcome new members, we invite you to join us at one of our introductory events if you're interested. If you see us walking around in our distinctive purple and white striped polos, don’t hesitate to approach us and strike up a conversation—we’d be happy to chat!

On behalf of all the members of L.P.D. ‘Papilarius’,

Equus sitienti!

Kayleigh Diepstraten
h.t. Zeus