The association
The assiociation
L.P.S.V. „Aesculapius” is the study association for the Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences, Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy programmes in Leiden. „Aesculapius” comes from the Latin translation of the Greek Ασκληπιός, the demigod of medicine and healing. With a rich history and a vibrant atmosphere, „Aesculapius” has grown into a thriving association that has grown considerably in size in recent years. Our constituency now numbers more than 1,000 members!
The Leidsche Pharmaceutische Studenten-Vereeniging „Aesculapius” was founded in 1885, making it the oldest study association in Leiden. Initially, „Aesculapius” represented Pharmacy students, but unfortunately that study at Leiden University came to an end in 1985, due to a centralisation of the Pharmacy master's degree. Of course, the faculty did not agree with this and founded the study of Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences (BFW) in order not to lose pharmaceutical knowledge after all. At BFW, you are trained as a drug researcher, but since 2016 it has become possible again to become a pharmacist in Leiden. That year, Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC) and the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR) set up a brand-new master's degree in pharmacy. Bachelor students BFW therefore now again have the chance to graduate in pharmacy. The new master gives the opportunity to students with a bachelor BFW (with the specialisation Pharmacy) or a bachelor Pharmacy from Groningen or Utrecht to graduate as a pharmacist in Leiden. In short, since 2016, „Aesculapius” is no longer just the study association for BFW, but together with the study association the Medical Faculty of Leiden Students (M.F.L.S.) also the study association for Pharmacy.
„Aesculapius” has short lines of communication with the training offices of BFW and Pharmacy and with the research institute associated with the study. Furthermore, we are part of the Royal Dutch Pharmaceutical Student Association (K.N.P.S.V.), the national umbrella study association for (Bio-)Pharmacy. As a result, we have a lot of contact with the other sections of the K.N.P.S.V. namely the study associations G.F.S.V. ‘Pharmaciae Sacrum’ from Groningen, U.P.S.V. ‘Unitas Pharmaceuticorum’ from Utrecht and the VCSVU from Amsterdam. In addition, „Aesculapius” naturally has many contacts with companies and institutions in the pharmaceutical world.
What does „Aesculapius” have to offer?
„Aesculapius” tries to offer something for every member to suit his or her interests. Thus, we have a large number of educational activities such as excursions at home and abroad, lunch lectures and symposia. Then again, for those who just want some relaxation alongside their studies, there is a range of social activities. These include our monthly drinks, parties, first- and senior-year activities, first- and senior-year weekends, barbecues and so on. Some of the activities organised by „Aesculapius” can be found HERE!
Besides offering many activities, „Aesculapius” naturally does much more. For example, if you are a member, it is possible to order your textbooks at a discount through our website. But we also offer an association magazine, called the SQ-linair (which comes out four times a year), and an annual almanac for all our members.
Would you like to develop yourself even further and get to know other aesculapae better? Then sign up for one of our many committees! Here you can broaden yourself and gain various essential skills, as well as have a lot of fun and let your creativity run wild. More information about the committees? Then click HERE.
If you have any further questions about „Aesculapius”, activities, committees or other matters, please feel free to drop by ‘t Hok or send an email to