Nikki Duijnisveld
Let me briefly introduce myself: my name is Nikki Duijnisveld, I am 26 years old, and I have completed the Master's in Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences. Currently, I work at the Netherlands Cancer Institute in the Clinical Research Unit, where we conduct research on new drugs for the treatment of cancer. Until recently, I was active with „Aesculapius”, where I served as Assessor II and was involved in various committees. During my studies, I personally experienced what it’s like to not feel well and even (temporarily) stop studying. This experience motivated me to apply as a confidential advisor. My main advice: take good care of your (mental) well-being. Don’t hesitate to contact me, I am here to listen to you and support you through any challenges you may face.
Email: vertrouwenspersoon2@aesculapius.nl